Glenfall Community Primary School

Reception intake 2025 -2026 – visits to the school and open afternoon dates 8th November, 11th November, 13th November: Dear Prospective Parent, For Reception Intake 2025 – 2026 we will be offering prospective parents the ... read more


The primary aim with French teaching is to develop a love of languages. 

We ensure we offer a relevant, broad and ambitious curriculum that will inspire and excite our pupils using a wide range of topics and themes. We use Language Angels, an online programme designed to deliver French across Key Stage 2.

All pupils will be given the opportunity to explore a new language through its vocabulary, grammar and phonetics. They will understand where they belong in the world through the study of another culture and how it links to our own, developing a better understanding of self. Pupils will succeed and achieve their full potential through the encouragement of high expectations.

The ultimate aim being that pupils will feel positive and confident about learning languages and be able to continue studying languages beyond key stage 2.

FRENCH-Curriculum-Progression- Glenfall