Sport Activites


Athletics is run by school staff in preparation for the Cheltenham Area Athletics competition held every year at the Prince of Wales Stadium.

In the lead up to the Inter-Schools Athletics activities, an additional club is held so that the children involved can practice throwing, long-jumping, sprinting and baton relay skills. Y5 and Y6 children also train for the longer distance events (600m and 800m).


Dance is a popular activity at Glenfall, both as part of the curriculum and as an extra-curricular activity. Classes regularly present dances they have learnt at assemblies, and each year, one or two classes perform dances at a local Dance Festival.

Extra – curricular clubs in dancing are:

  • Ballroom Dancing – for children in Reception to Y6.
  • Street Dance.


Glenfall School runs well established extra-curricular clubs in football, they are run each term by outside providers and through community links.

The clubs are run by:

  •  Andrew Tucker’s Soccer Camps provide a club in the Autumn term for boys and girls in classes Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6.
  • Andrew Tucker’s coaches also provide a Summer terms club, which includes boys and girls in Y1 and Y2 as well as Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6.

Glenfall play competitive football in the Cheltenham and District Primary School’s Football League (Small School’s Section), as well as taking part in a number of tournaments.


An extra-curricular club is held on a Tuesday and is run by Rowan Gymnastics Club.


An extra-curricular club in Hockey is held on a Tuesday for Y4, Y5 and Y6.


Curriculum time swimming is available to children from Year 2 to Year 6 at Pittville Pool in Cheltenham. Children benefit from the opportunity to improve their confidence in the water, improve and develop their strokes, confidence and survival techniques.

 Tag Rugby

Curriculum time Tag Rugby takes place during the Winter and Spring terms.

During the Spring term, pupils in Y5 and Y6 take part in a “Tag Rugby Festival” at Newlands Park.

 Top Play/Top Sport/Multi-skills

These are provided by District Sports Services in half-term blocks for children in Reception, Y1, Y2 and Y3, at various times during the year, as and when required. In “Top Play” and “Multi-skills” sessions, children take part in a range of games and activities encompassing skills common to a range of sports. “Top Sport” is a development of the “Top Play/Multi-skills” concept, where children “taste” a different sport each week.