Year 6
Home-School-Agreement Please read
Teacher: Mr Radley
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Beasley, Mrs Oram, Mrs White and Mrs Maund
Revision booklet answers
Class Topic – Fantastic Journeys
This term our topic is Reach for the Stars. The main focus of our learning will be upon Geography, finding out about mountains of the world and also looking at extreme weathers. In Science we will be learning about space.
topic map – reach for the stars
The Nowhere Emporium
Our class book this term is The Nowhere Emporium. We will be using it in our literacy lessons to create some magical themed writing.
Homework will be handed out on a Wednesday and due the following Wednesday. Children will have a sheet of Maths and Grammar. These sheets should take no longer than 30 minutes. Alongside this, children will have a weekly spelling test on a Tuesday.
Useful homework help:
Grammar, spellings and reading help with videos
Maths videos and explanations
SATS style questions
Literacy games and quizzes
Maths help and games
Arithmetic papers SATS – Key Stage 2 Arithmetic (
Spelling tests will take place weekly on a Tuesday.
Spring term spellings Amazon Spring term spellings Amazon
This term we are learning about Space
PE will be on Tuesday and Wednesdays. Please could all children have suitable outdoor PE kit e.g. trainers, jogging bottoms and a tracksuit top/sweatshirt for outside games.
Forest School
Y6 will have Forest School on Mondays, please could children wear school uniform on these days and bring a change of clothes. These sessions will not take place every week, but when time allows we will go down.