House System

The House System at Glenfall Community Primary School is a valuable part of school life. It provides all of the children with an opportunity to improve their team-work and sense of cooperative working. There are opportunities to earn points for your house in and outside of the curriculum. Points could be earned for academic achievements, politeness (above the normal expectations), considerate behavior, leading by example and putting others before themselves. In addition to this we raise a strong sense of team spirit at our annual ‘Sports Day’ event when all of the children are keen to represent their house and earn points!

Each week the children earn House Points for their houses and this is then celebrated in our weekly ‘Celebration Assembly’, where the house captains present the results for the week. The points are added the ‘House Point Accumulator’ which is prominently on display in the main hall. At the end of each term the House Point Shield is awarded to the house with the most ‘House Points’ and their name is inscribed on the shield.

The houses are all named after significant children’s authors. The houses at Glenfall are:

Rowling (JK Rowling)

Donaldson (Julia Donaldson)

Morpurgo (Michael Morpurgo)

Rosen (Michael Rosen)

Each ‘House’ has two captains, a boy and a girl. The House Captains are prestigious positions as they are selected by the Y5 teachers each year during the Summer Term. There is then a ceremonial handing over of the position in the end of year assembly, where the outgoing captains present the ‘House Captain Badges’ to the incoming captains.