What is FrOGS?
Friends of Glenfall School!
The Friends of Glenfall School (FrOGS) is the PTA charity. We organise events throughout the year to benefit the children and to bring the school community together. We raise money to benefit Glenfall pupils and our fundraising makes a huge difference, allowing us to provide small treats such as ice creams at the Christmas panto as well as funding larger projects such as new equipment for the school and the children. We also subsidise school trips to ensure costs are affordable for all families.
As a parent, you are automatically a member of FrOGS, but we also welcome anyone interested in supporting the school. We are a friendly, welcoming group and would love to see our team grow with a mixture of parents/carers from all year groups. Its really important to future proof this group to continue all the great work for years to come. If you have any skills that may benefit the group then please contact us. Or let us know if you may be able to spare an hour a month for a great cause. We welcome any level of support from being an active committee member to baking a cake or manning a stall for an hour at a fair.
If you’d like to get involved, or be kept up to date with FrOGS news, contact your class rep or email us at