Glenfall Community Primary School

Reception intake 2025 -2026 – visits to the school and open afternoon dates 8th November, 11th November, 13th November: Dear Prospective Parent, For Reception Intake 2025 – 2026 we will be offering prospective parents the ... read more

Year 1

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Home-School-Agreement Please read.

Year 1 Staff:

  • Mrs Kerry Pasquet – Class Teacher
  • Mrs Helen Green – TA
  • Miss Samantha Clapham – TA
  • Mrs Zoe Cardelli – TA
  • Miss Rebecca O’Connor – PPA

Our Autumn 1 theme is ‘Once Upon a Time’. 


This term’s focus texts include ‘The Enormous Turnip’, ‘Rumpelstiltskin’ and ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. We will begin the year by learning about labelling and caption writing, forming simple and cohesive sentences, using basic grammar and punctuation correctly. Much of our learning will be phonics based, making sure that we understand how each sound is formed and written.


This half term will be focussing in on our  understanding of place value. We will do lots of work on sorting, counting objects using 1:1 correspondence and reading and writing numbers up to 20 and  beyond. As well as this we will learn how to use tens frames, number squares and number lines to help us when we are working out our calculations. Of course, addition and subtraction will be formally introduced and the children will begin to use the appropriate signs when writing down and completing calculations. We will be having Number Fluency sessions in the afternoon where we will  continue to practise number bonds and we will also begin to look at counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.


This term we will explore ‘Everyday  Materials’, looking at examples in real life and discussing why objects are made with a certain material. We will learn to describe their properties as well as compare and group them according to similarities and differences. We will start to think about scientific testing and how to make tests fair each time.

A link to our Science topic words is here: Y1 EVERYDAY MATERIALS

Here is our overview for this term’s theme – Topic Overview OUAT A1 2024-25

Spellings in Year One

Spelling tests will begin later in this half term. Paper copies will be sent home on Fridays in preparation for the following week, along with phonics practise.

Reading in Year 1

Please have a look at the documents below with advice on how to support your child/ren at home with reading. Thank you. For phonics support, please see the school’s dedicated phonics page. Thank you.



Our PE days are on a WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. Don’t forget to wear your PE kit!



AUTUMN Term 1 in Year One