Glenfall Community Primary School

Latest OfSTED Report: Final OfSTED Report 2023   read more

Year 4




Mrs Newdeck (Monday & Friday)

Miss Hannis (Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday)

Teaching Assistants:

Mrs McNeill, Mrs Lim, Mrs White, Mrs Nye, Ms Elliot

Dean Fields Residential Power Point

Year 4 Residential DFSC 24.ppt Parent Copy

For the summer term our topic is:

Romanisation of Britain including a school trip to Chedworth Roman Villa

Literacy: The Boy at the Back of The Class

This is the story about how one ordinary nine-year-old child and three classmates are full of empathy for Ahmet, a boy that comes to their school as a refugee from Syria (he is the boy at the back of the class).

Home Learning

Click on the link below for homework opportunities

Viva Italia

Spelling Year 4

Summer Term Spellings

spellings Y4 Summer Term

The test will be on a Friday.


We are learning about:

States of Matter


The Water Cycle

  • compare and group materials together, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases
  • observe that some materials change state when they are heated or cooled, and measure or research the temperature at which this happens in degrees Celsius (°C)
  • identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle and associate the rate of evaporation with temperature

This term our PE sessions will be on a Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon. Please ensure that children wear their PE kits to school. House colours if possible.

Forest school sessions will take place  on a Wednesday. It is important that children have wellies in school  to be able to join in Forest School sessions. It would be a great idea to keep them in lockers for the term.

Maths Games

Top Marks is a website with lots of good games children can play to help them with their maths. Hit the button is a great one for times tables.

Times Tables Rock Stars is also up and running. All children have received a user name and log in.

Times tables worksheets that we do every day in class.

Full Programme – TTRS worksheets (1)

Take a look at our photos

Soup Making

Christmas DT Project: Design and make a light up nose net reindeer!


South America and Rainforest Talk from Parent who lived there for 7 months

A South American Visitor!

The children asked lots of questions and wrote a Non-Chronological Report about Tarantulas.