Glenfall Community Primary School

Latest OfSTED Report: Final OfSTED Report 2023   read more

Year 2


Mrs Woodman (Monday-Wednesday)

Mrs Watts (Thursday-Friday)

Teaching Assistants:

Mrs Gaynor, Miss Elliot, Mrs Patel, Miss Wilson, Mrs Allen

Our topic this half term is:


This term our topic is Africa. This will be a Geography based unit which will include identifying where Africa is on a world map and making comparisons between life in Africa and the UK. We will also be exploring some African patterns through Art.

Weekly Spellings

Here are the spelling lists for Year 2. There will be weekly tests on a Friday:

Children should also be able to read and write the Common Exception Words by the end of Year 2. Please find a full list of these here:

Termly Letters


Our work in English will initially be based around Rudyard Kipling’s ‘Just So’ Stories. We will then move on to read and be inspired by ‘The Bog Baby’.


Plants  is our topic this term.  The children will learn what plants need to stay healthy. They will have the opportunity to carry out their own investigations into what plants need to grow well. They will also closely observe the inside of a seed and learn about the life cycle of a plant.

This half term PE will take place on a Thursday morning. Please send your children in wearing their PE kits on this day. The children will also begin swimming on a Thursday morning. Please ensure your children have an appropriate kit with them on this day.

There will be no Forest School this half term.

Maths Games

Topmarks is a website with lots of good games children can play to hep them with their maths. Hit the Button is a great one for times tables.

Hit the Button – Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (

Times Table Rock Stars is also up and running. All children will receive a username and log in.

The children have been enjoying learning to count in 3s using this song:

Take a look at our photos!

Exploring Puppets!

We spent some time exploring puppets from around the world to begin our DT project.

Making Puppets!

We designed and made our own hand puppets! Look at how amazing they are! A massive thank you to all of the parents and other volunteers who came in to help us – we couldn’t have done it without you!

Making Fruit Smoothies

As part of our PSHE unit on ‘Keeping Healthy’ this half term, we have made fruit smoothies!

DT Crowns

As part of our work on Kings and Queens, the children in Year 2 have looked at, designed, made and evaluated crowns fit for a monarch!

African Masks