Home-School-Agreement Please read
Year 3 teachers:
Miss Budenis
Year 3 teaching assistants are:
Mrs Smith, Miss Wilson, Mrs Patel, Mrs Nye, Mrs Davies, Mrs Tibbetts
Our topic this term is
The Ancient Maya and South America
The book that we are reading as a class is ‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons”
When Tomas discovers a wild-looking plant in his grandfather’s garden, he takes one of its unusual fruits home. It turns out to be a pitaya, or dragon fruit, and soon a tiny dragon emerges. Tomas is astonished but quickly resolves to raise the glittering creature, Flicker, in secret.
Lots of our literacy will be based around the book this term.
Y3 have a spelling test each Wednesday. Throughout the year, they will be learning the Y3/4 statutory spellings as well as words which follow a particular spelling rule.
Your child has a booklet with their spellings to practice. Here is an online copy:
Your child can practice Y3 spellings on this website:
In science, we will be learning about sound this term.
Children have swimming on Tuesdays this term. They also have PE every Friday.
Children wear their PE kit to school.
Forest School is each Thursday. Please ensure your child has suitable footwear.
Are you a Times Tables Rockstar? Use these websites to keep learning your times tables!