Home-School-Agreement Please read
Staff teachers – Mrs Grisman ( Monday and alternate Tuesdays), Mrs Uppal (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and alternate Tuesdays).
Teaching assistants – Mrs Lim, Mrs Nye, Mrs White and Mrs Allen
Spring Term
Fantastic Journeys
This term our topic is Fantastic Journeys. in Geography, we will be learning about biomes and understanding terminology such as longitude and latitude. We will also be finding out about Scandinavia after half-term. During this term, our Science topic ‘Evolution’, will take us back in time to the origins of life, looking at evidence and the work of key scientists. This will be complemented by reading Darwin’s Dragons, a thrilling adventure by Lindsay Galvin. It is narrated by a cabin boy, who falls overboard on a voyage to the Galapagos Islands.
Word mat
Useful Information
PE is Mondays and Thursdays. Please wear PE kit.
Forest School is Fridays ( Please bring wellies).
Spelling tests are on Mondays.
Homework should be handed in on Wednesdays.
Termly Overview and Letter
Please find spellings for this term below:
Y5 spellings Nile Autumn 2024-5
Y5 spellings Autumn Amazon 2024-5
Useful Website links:
Christmas Fun!
World War II Evacuation Trip
Feet First 2024