English focuses on the key skills of reading, writing and speaking and listening. We use AnimaPhonics daily in Key Stage 1 to embed phonic skills. This is supported throughout the school by the reading schemes: Oxford Story Sparks, In Fact, Comprehension Express, Rigby Star and Rugby navigator (home readers). In addition, there is a wide range of reading material, both fact and fiction, in the school classrooms and library. Children are encouraged to read for pleasure and to develop independent research skills. Some teachers are involved in the Reading Teachers: Reading Pupils scheme which aims to foster a love of reading through introducing new texts to children. Children in Year 5 and Year 6 even get the opportunity to meet some of the authors and share some of their work on the stories!
Children are taught to write in a variety of styles including prose, poetry and reporting, and to suit different purposes and audiences. Emphasis is placed on grammar, spelling and punctuation. A whole school policy for handwriting is aimed at developing a neat, joined legible style.
Speaking and listening and performing skills are promoted throughout the school through storytelling, discussion, drama and role play. Opportunities such as whole school concerts, provide a valuable means of building confidence and developing the ability to listen to, and appreciate the efforts of others.
Please click the following links for further information on:
Spelling – See individual class pages
Alan Peat sentence progression
Year group progressions:
Y5 Literacy long term planning
Y1 Literacy long term planning
Y3 Literacy long term planning
Y4 Literacy long term planning