Personal, Social and Health and Citizenship Education is a very important part of the curriculum. It enables children to develop an understanding of themselves, others and the environment in which they live. Through its three core themes (Health and Wellbeing, Relationships, and Living in the Wider World) our curriculum covers the breadth of PSHE from statutory RSHE content (including Relationships Education, RSE and Health Education) to economic wellbeing. To support teaching and learning, Glenfall School is a member of the PSHE Association. This allows access to great resources for each key stage
Units are taught through the following themes and are age specific for each class.
Autumn 1: Taking responsibility
Autumn 2: Healthy lifestyles.
Spring 1: Keeping safe
Spring 2: Feelings and relationships
Summer 1: Growing and changing/Sex and relationship education
Summer 2: Making choices
Bullying and Internet Safety run throughout each unit
In this context and as part of a varied approach, subjects such as understanding ourselves, myself and others, protecting our health, food, enjoyment and health and safety are covered. Parents will be notified of talks which deal specifically with sex education.