
Art is taught as a crucial part of the school’s cross curricular approach to different topics and as a subject in its own right. All children are encouraged to be creative, to develop an active interest in a range of media and to express themselves fully using this range. Artwork is used and displayed widely throughout the whole school in order to foster an appreciation of different forms, traditions and cultures. With many ‘artist’ parents in the school it has become an integral and important part of a child’s education at Glenfall. The school has been used as a venue during the ‘Cheltenham Open Studios’ festival with artists in residence and a host of workshops running at the school for the community over a two week period.

At Glenfall School we believe that Art has a huge impact in all areas of the curriculum and children’s learning. We also recognise the enrichment and development opportunities that can be achieved through art and design.


With this in mind at Glenfall School we aim to equip each child with the knowledge and skills to explore their own creativity and create their own works of art whilst developing their critical thinking and assessment skills. Through a considered sequence of lessons and experiences our children will develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space.

These theories are delivered through the mediums of painting, drawing, printing, textiles and sculpture. The skills and knowledge that our children will develop throughout each art unit are mapped across each year group and throughout the school to ensure consistent progression.

Curriculum Progression (Art and Design)

We celebrate the children’s achievements through careful display of their work. We also start every academic year with a display of self-portraits of all the children.



The children at Glenfall School have been actively involved in creating large scale works of art to enhance our school environment both inside and outside.