Year 2


Mrs Woodman (Monday-Wednesday)

Mrs Watts (Thursday-Friday)

Teaching Assistants:

Mrs Gaynor, Miss Elliot, Mrs Maund, Mrs Lim, Miss Blouet

Our topic this half term is:

The Great Fire of London

Our topic for Spring Term 1 will be ‘The Great Fire of London’. This is primarily a History based topic, with the focus being around the key events of the fire, the timeline of events and the long term implications in terms of how it has impacted our lives today.

Weekly Spellings

Here are the spelling lists for Year 2. There will be weekly tests on a Friday:

Children should also be able to read and write the Common Exception Words by the end of Year 2. Please find a full list of these here:

Termly Letters


Our work in English will initially be based around the story of ‘Toby and the Great Fire of London’ before we move onto writing a non-fiction text about the fire.


‘Animals including Humans’ is our topic for Science. We will be matching animals to their young and thinking about how animals change as they grow, including the different stages of human growth and looking at some life cycles. The children will also be learning about what humans and animals need for survival.

This half term PE will take place on a Wednesday afternoon and a Thursday morning. Please send your children in wearing their PE kits on these days.

There will be no Forest School this half term.

Maths Games

Topmarks is a website with lots of good games children can play to hep them with their maths. Hit the Button is a great one for times tables.

Hit the Button – Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (

Times Table Rock Stars is also up and running. All children will receive a username and log in.

The children have been enjoying learning to count in 3s using this song:

Take a look at our photos!


Take a look at our fantastic hand puppets! We spent some time looking at puppets from around the world and practised our sewing skills before designing and then making our own puppets. Many thanks to all of the parents and grandparents who came into help us!


Mrs Woodman (Monday-Wednesday)

Mrs Watts (Thursday-Friday)

Teaching Assistants:

Mrs Gaynor, Miss Elliot, Mrs Maund, Mrs Lim, Miss Blouet

Our topic this half term is:

The Great Fire of London

Our topic for Spring Term 1 will be ‘The Great Fire of London’. This is primarily a History based topic, with the focus being around the key events of the fire, the timeline of events and the long term implications in terms of how it has impacted our lives today.

Weekly Spellings

Here are the spelling lists for Year 2. There will be weekly tests on a Friday:

Children should also be able to read and write the Common Exception Words by the end of Year 2. Please find a full list of these here:

Termly Letters


Our work in English will initially be based around the story of ‘Toby and the Great Fire of London’ before we move onto writing a non-fiction text about the fire.


‘Animals including Humans’ is our topic for Science. We will be matching animals to their young and thinking about how animals change as they grow, including the different stages of human growth and looking at some life cycles. The children will also be learning about what humans and animals need for survival.

This half term PE will take place on a Wednesday afternoon and a Thursday morning. Please send your children in wearing their PE kits on these days.

There will be no Forest School this half term.

Maths Games

Topmarks is a website with lots of good games children can play to hep them with their maths. Hit the Button is a great one for times tables.

Hit the Button – Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (

Times Table Rock Stars is also up and running. All children will receive a username and log in.

The children have been enjoying learning to count in 3s using this song:

Take a look at our photos!


Take a look at our fantastic hand puppets! We spent some time looking at puppets from around the world and practised our sewing skills before designing and then making our own puppets. Many thanks to all of the parents and grandparents who came into help us!


Mrs Woodman (Monday-Wednesday)

Mrs Watts (Thursday-Friday)

Teaching Assistants:

Mrs Gaynor, Miss Elliot, Mrs Maund, Mrs Lim, Miss Blouet

Our topic this half term is:

The Great Fire of London

Our topic for Spring Term 1 will be ‘The Great Fire of London’. This is primarily a History based topic, with the focus being around the key events of the fire, the timeline of events and the long term implications in terms of how it has impacted our lives today.

Weekly Spellings

Here are the spelling lists for Year 2. There will be weekly tests on a Friday:

Children should also be able to read and write the Common Exception Words by the end of Year 2. Please find a full list of these here:

Termly Letters


Our work in English will initially be based around the story of ‘Toby and the Great Fire of London’ before we move onto writing a non-fiction text about the fire.


‘Animals including Humans’ is our topic for Science. We will be matching animals to their young and thinking about how animals change as they grow, including the different stages of human growth and looking at some life cycles. The children will also be learning about what humans and animals need for survival.

This half term PE will take place on a Wednesday afternoon and a Thursday morning. Please send your children in wearing their PE kits on these days.

There will be no Forest School this half term.

Maths Games

Topmarks is a website with lots of good games children can play to hep them with their maths. Hit the Button is a great one for times tables.

Hit the Button – Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (

Times Table Rock Stars is also up and running. All children will receive a username and log in.

The children have been enjoying learning to count in 3s using this song:

Take a look at our photos!


Take a look at our fantastic hand puppets! We spent some time looking at puppets from around the world and practised our sewing skills before designing and then making our own puppets. Many thanks to all of the parents and grandparents who came into help us!


Mrs Woodman (Monday-Wednesday)

Mrs Watts (Thursday-Friday)

Teaching Assistants:

Mrs Gaynor, Miss Elliot, Mrs Maund, Mrs Lim, Miss Blouet

Our topic this half term is:

The Great Fire of London

Our topic for Spring Term 1 will be ‘The Great Fire of London’. This is primarily a History based topic, with the focus being around the key events of the fire, the timeline of events and the long term implications in terms of how it has impacted our lives today.

Weekly Spellings

Here are the spelling lists for Year 2. There will be weekly tests on a Friday:

Children should also be able to read and write the Common Exception Words by the end of Year 2. Please find a full list of these here:

Termly Letters


Our work in English will initially be based around the story of ‘Toby and the Great Fire of London’ before we move onto writing a non-fiction text about the fire.


‘Animals including Humans’ is our topic for Science. We will be matching animals to their young and thinking about how animals change as they grow, including the different stages of human growth and looking at some life cycles. The children will also be learning about what humans and animals need for survival.

This half term PE will take place on a Wednesday afternoon and a Thursday morning. Please send your children in wearing their PE kits on these days.

There will be no Forest School this half term.

Maths Games

Topmarks is a website with lots of good games children can play to hep them with their maths. Hit the Button is a great one for times tables.

Hit the Button – Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (

Times Table Rock Stars is also up and running. All children will receive a username and log in.

The children have been enjoying learning to count in 3s using this song:

Take a look at our photos!


Take a look at our fantastic hand puppets! We spent some time looking at puppets from around the world and practised our sewing skills before designing and then making our own puppets. Many thanks to all of the parents and grandparents who came into help us!