Mrs Woodman (Monday-Wednesday)
Mrs Watts (Thursday-Friday)
Teaching Assistants:
Mrs Gaynor, Miss Elliot, Mrs Maund, Mrs Lim, Miss Blouet
Our topic this half term is:
Toy Story
This term our topic is Toy Story. We will begin by watching the film and then using this as a stimulus for many of our English activities in the first few weeks of the term. We will also look at puppets from around the world and the children will be making their own puppets. Alongside this work, the children will also be learning about some famous explorers.
Weekly Spellings
Here are the spelling lists for Year 2. There will be weekly tests on a Friday:
Children should also be able to read and write the Common Exception Words by the end of Year 2. Please find a full list of these here:
Termly Letters
Our work in English will initially be based around the film ‘Toy Story’ with the children focusing on writing labels, lists and captions, including using commas for lists. After that, we will be reading ‘Traction Man’ before reading Kit Wright’s poem ‘The Magic Box’ which we will use as inspiration for writing our own poems.
‘Uses of everyday materials’ is our topic for Science. The children will be working scientifically to identify the materials objects are made from and their properties to make them suitable. The children will be exploring how the shapes of solid objects made by some materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching and recording results in a table.
This half term PE will take place on a Monday afternoon and a Thursday morning. Please send your children in wearing their PE kits on these days.
There will be Forest School this half term on a Friday afternoon, beginning Friday 6th September.
Maths Games
Topmarks is a website with lots of good games children can play to hep them with their maths. Hit the Button is a great one for times tables.
Hit the Button – Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (
Times Table Rock Stars is also up and running. All children will receive a username and log in.
The children have been enjoying learning to count in 3s using this song: